Back To The Course Introduction To C Language History of C language How to set up the system for running C Program First C program Variables and Data types Keywords , Literals and Comments Life Cycle of a C Program Operators in C Types of Errors in C Conditional statements if else statements Ternary operator and switch statement Loops in C Entry controlled and exit controlled loops break and continue in C Functions Function prototype and function definition User defined and predefined functions Parameter passing techniques Scope of a variable Static scoping and Dynamic scoping Function call stack and Activation Records Storage classes Arrays Single and Multi-dimensional array Address calculation in array Character array and strings in C Predefined functions for strings Pointers Basics of pointers Passing pointers to functions Pointers with array Structures and Unions Basics of structure and unions Linked List Double Linked list Circular Linked List Queues and stacks Queue implementation Operations on queue Stack implementation Operations on stack Recursion Tail Recursion Non Tail Recursion File handling in C How to open and create file Reading and writing a file Predefined functions for different operations on file Passing pointers to functions Introduction To C ProgrammingPassing pointers to functionsPlease register for Private: Introduction To C Programming to view this lesson. Post navigation Previous Previous post: Basics of pointersNext Next post: Pointers with array